Indian School Psychology Association


34thInternational Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health

August 20, 2021 Webinar

Theme: Scientific development and Exploration in Psychiatry and Mental Health

About Conference

conference takes colossal delight and feels regarded in welcoming the Speakers and Delegates all over the world to "34th International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health” to be held on August 20, 2021 | Webinar

Conference Name Webinar Date
Psychiatry Meet 2021 Webinar August 20, 2021

Psychiatry Meet 2021 is to consign an extraordinary program for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by the world’s leading scientists which covers the entire spectrum of researches and various treatment procedures in Psychiatric disorders.

Why to Attend?

Psychiatry Meet 2021 focuses on innovative therapies which include motivating logical introductions and keynote speakers who will provide an international platform for discussion of present and future challenges in Psychiatry and Mental Health. Our conference brings National and International eminent personalities to a single floor which involves world class talks & discussions by top Psychiatrists as well as Psychological committees. Our conference consist of symposium, workshops, lectures, YRF (Young Research Forum), poster presentation, paper presentations and various other programs for the participant over the globe.

34th International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health Highlights includes:

  • Keynote sessions by eminent and renowned researchers
  • Outstanding speaker sessions
  • International accredited certificates
  • All accepted abstracts for this Conference will be published in the respective International Journals
  • Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google under your name will attract worldwide acknowledgment to your profile and research and it will be visible to 35K researchers across the globe
  • One on One Meeting with top Psychiatrists
  • Special recognition for Young Researchers
  • Meetings with Top Industrial Representations
  • Live Streaming of the conference
  • Symposia and Workshop sessions by distinguished Psychiatrists
  • Special awards for Speakers and Poster Presentations
  • Group Registration benefits

Who Attends?

  • Physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physicians)
  • Psychiatrists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Paediatricians
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Neurologists
  • Psychologists
  • Medical and Allied Healthcare Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • PsychiatryStudents, Scientists
  • Psychiatry Researchers
  • Psychiatry Faculty
  • Medical Colleges
  • Psychiatry Associations and Societies
  • Neurologists
  • Neuropathologists
  • Neurophysiologists
  • Psych biologists
  • Biological Psychologists
  • Neuroscience Nurses
  • Psychophysicists
  • Professor
  • Neuron drug Manufacturers

World Summit on Mental Health, Psychiatry and Wellbeing

September 08-09, 2021Barcelona, Spain

Theme: Mental Health Matters: Mental illness is not a choice, but Recovery is for Wellbeing

About Conference

On behalf of Organizing Committee we invite all the participants from all part of the World to attend the Annual Mental Health 2021 conference entitled " 8th World Summit on Mental Health, Psychiatry and Wellbeing” scheduled during September 08-09, 2021 at Barcelona, Spain

Annual Mental Health 2021 A special focus of the Congress will be the integration of new technologies and research findings. It will also bring together expert clinicians, researchers and leaders of stakeholder organizations in the field of mental health, offering an outstanding set of Plenary and State of the Art Lectures, Educational Courses, Symposia, Workshops with experts and sessions designed by and for early career mental health professionals and psychiatrists with the theme "Mental Health Matters: Mental illness is not a choice, but Recovery is for Wellbeing”

Details of Annual Mental Health 2021 Conference in Barcelona, Spain:

Conference Name Place Date
Annual Mental Health 2021 Barcelona, Spain September 08-09, 2021

Goal of Annual Mental Health 2021 is to deliver an outstanding program for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists which covers the entire spectrum of research in psychological disorders and Psychiatry and share the cross-cultural experiences of various treatment procedures.

Annual Mental Health 2021 is an annual meeting of Psychiatrists as well as Psychology committees to discuss the future of the Mental Health and Psychological disorders in terms of collaboration, structures and organizational development and advances of Mental Health and Well-Being.

As most of us know, according to the latest survey conducted by WHO, it is revealed that Psychological Disorders encompassing mental health, depression, stress and many more accounts for more than 12% of deaths worldwide on an average and it is also predicted that the number of disability - adjusted life years vanished due to Psychological disorders are expected to accelerate from 95 million globally in 2018 to 103 million by 2030.

Why to Attend

The Mental Health and Well-being is an unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Psychiatry, Psychology and Mental Health, Brain researchers, public health professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange about state of the art research and technologies. The Conference will feature many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed Psychiatrists and mental health professionals from all over the country.


15thInternational Conference on Mental Health & Psychiatry

October 01, 2021


On achievement of the preceding neuro conferences ME Conferences invites the participants from all parts of the World to attend Mental Health Congress 2021 conference entitled " 15th International Conference on Mental Health & Psychiatry” scheduled to be held on October 01, 2021.

Mental Health Congress 2021 is a prominent gathering of speakers and keynote speakers from international countries to deliver the lectures on recent advancements and innovations in the field of Mental Health and Psychiatry. The sessions include Epidemiology of Depression, Neuropsychology and Behavioral Addiction, Epigenetics of Depression, Psychiatry & Mental Health, Psychology and Psychotherapy, Schizophrenia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Covid-19 and Mental Health, Ayurveda for Mental Health, Depression and Anxiety Disorders and many more. Webinar consist of lectures, YRF (Young Research Forum), oral presentations and poster presentation

Take the advantage to share the knowledge of different cases, the most recent advances, and clinical practices and unite with international collaborations and networking across the globe

Target Audience:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Psychologists
  • Mental Health Specialists
  • Neurologists
  • Healthcare Scientists
  • Psychiatric Counsellors
  • Psychiatric Pharmacists
  • Professors
  • Researchers
  • Mental Health Administrators Mental Health Educators
  • Students

Benefits of Joining Webinar:

  • Get your abstract published in our proceeding journals
  • Get Certified for your participation
  • Reduced Costs Affordability
  • Learn from the Pros
  • Global exposure to your research
  • Make new connections
  • Significant time saving
  • Wider Reach